Friday, 22nd of February 2013. 10 am – 6 pm. Room A 56, 1st floor, Dept of Informatics & Telecoms, U.Athens
Open meeting. The goal is to make our research known to all Project participants and to foster collaborations. Hence talks are meant to be less technical and geared towards current work and open problems. The workshop language is Greek.
Final Schedule
10.15 P.Kaklis, (Shape control and surface reconstruction)
10.30 K.Kostas, (Virtual environments for ship-safety applications)
10.45 A.Mantzaflaris, (Theoretical and algorithmic issues in isogeometric analysis)
11.30 L.Palios, (Covering orthogonal polygons with the minmum number of r-stars)
12.00 E.Markou, (Fitting Protein Chains to Lattices)
12.30 M.Karavelas (Qualitative symbolic perturbations)
12.50 LUNCH (Pizza and Souvlaki)
14.00 C.Konaxis (The maximum number of faces of the Minkowski sum of 3 convex polytopes)
14.20 E.Tzanaki (The maximum number of faces of the Minkowski sum of r convex polytopes)
14.45 V.Fisikopoulos, (Algorithms for high-dimensional polytopes defined by oracles)
15.15 I.Emiris (Nearest neighbors among colinear points)
17.00 Business Meeting of Faculty Members
18.00 End of Meeting
Potential participants are invited to send a title and abstract to I.Emiris and E.Markou.
Confirmed participants:
E.Christodoulopoulou (Univ of Central Greece),
I.Emiris (Univ of Athens),
V.Fisikopoulos (Univ of Athens),
D.Gunopulos (Univ of Athens),
P.Kaklis (National Technical Univ of Athens),
A.Kalamara (U. Athens),
S.Kapidakis (Ionian U.),
A.Karasoulou (Univ of Athens),
M.Karavelas (Univ of Crete),
I.Kavvouras (U.Athens),
C.Konaxis (Univ of Crete),
K.Kostas (National Technical Univ of Athens),
L.Kotsonis (Univ of Central Greece),
A.Mantzaflaris (RICAM, Austrian Academy of Sciences),
E.Markou (Univ of Central Greece),
D.Nicolopoulos (U.Athens),
A.Pagourtzis (National Technical Univ of Athens),
L.Palios (Univ of Ioannina),
M.Papadopoulou (Univ of Central Greece),
A.Papayiannopoulos (NTUA),
I.Psarros (U. Athens),
A.Rapti (Univ of Patras),
E.Tzanaki (Univ of Crete).
This research has been co-financed by the European Union (European Social Fund – ESF) and Greek national funds through the Operational Program “Education and Lifelong Learning” of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) – Research Funding Program: THALIS –UOA (MIS 375891).